Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog
I missed sharing this yesterday–Check out this post by Ed Hose: Drawing Conclusions–the Best Way to Break up is Via Text. Great advice!!
In the old days, writers wrote in drafty garrets with only rats, a crust of stale bread, and a bottle of cheap wine to keep them company—and they produced some pretty good stuff. But these days, we know about a little thing called health. Think what all those pale, sickly writers of yore could have done with good teeth and a happy digestive tract. As a writer, my days are spent typing, thinking about ways to get away […]
This is a sad time for our friend, Jan Morrill. Even writers have a hard time finding words for such an occasion but Jan fashioned a beautiful tribute to her mother.
Today’s Oghmaniac Blogger is K.D. McCrite, author of the fantastic Confessions of April Grace series. Find her at The Writer’s Best Friend She’s quiet. She’s elusive. She’s precious and desired. Others have her, and we all want her. More than that, we writers need her even more than talent. Her name is Patience. We ban Patience from our lives in favor of pursuing goals, dreams, and fiery passions. She taps us on the shoulder, whispering wisdom, telling us […]
Please visit the latest in the string of Oghmaniacs working on the blogathon–Ronda Del Boccio Images are the new call to action!