Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog

525 posts

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Lapis Lazuli

 Is For Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli—peace, courage, gentleness Place the stone on your skin or hold in your hand to produce a peaceful, tranquil state in mind, body, and spirit. When used in spells, it focuses energy on the outcome. Use it to heal and protect children, to strengthen bonds between lovers, and to increase psychic awareness. Helpful in divination. Can alleviate the pain of migraine headaches and overcome depression. Benefits the throat, larynx, thyroid, and hearing loss. Place it on […]

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Kionite

   Is For Kionite Kyanite—Attunement, tranquilizing, throat chakra A meditation stone that amplifies higher frequency energy. Use it to manifest spiritual energy and to find a spirit guide. Put it nearby when you sleep to promote healing dreams and to aid in dream recall. Kyanite requires no cleaning because it does not hold negative energy. Connects the higher mind with the physical and illuminates the connection between cause and effect—the part decisions and visions play in the tapestry of a life. […]

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Jade

   Is For Jade Jade –Purity, cleansing, serenity Jade balances the fluids and aids in childbirth and fertility. It’s helpful if you have stitches or kidney concerns. Jade soothes, producing the serenity in which inspiration grows. It is a nurturing stone that increases love and beings harmony. Good luck, friendship, purification are attracted by the stone. Carry it or wear it as appropriate in contact with the skin. Throw it into water to produce mist, rain or snow Chinese lore says […]

Past Lives and Dodgy People–Just Like Gravity

   Just Like Gravity is a paranormal romance set in Scotland, but it’s not all about drinking  🙂  The story traces two of Anna’s past lives. This excerpt is from a not-so-good time in 1604.        Mariel bounced against the wooden shelving along the side of the small room but kept her balance. Mrs. Campbell seized her shoulder, digging her fingernails into Mariel’s thin arm. “I know what you did. You put a spell on my man just as you did on […]

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Iolite

Is for Iolite Iolite-a vision stone Use Iolite to enhance and activate the third eye. Align chakras first to get the full benefit. Iolite aids in out of body experiences by increasing understanding. It frees your true self and is the stone to use to break an addiction whether to a substance or a person. Place it against the skin as needed—over the third eye to enhance the experience of out of body journeys. When in contact with your aura, […]

A-Z Blog Challenge 2015–Crystal Fix–Hematite

 is for Hematite Hematite—Grounding, healing, harmonizing Hematite casts out negative energies and protects the aura from negative influence. It strengthens timid women, enhancing confidence and self-esteem. Ancients call it ‘bloodstone’ because of the blood-like stains it produces when worked. A useful scrying tool, it can produce answers in harmony with the situation. Very helpful as a study aid for math and related subjects, it loves to solve problems. It is connected to the blood and will aid in anemia, help […]