Writing is a serious business–even though many of us do it in pjs while sipping wine and eating Cheezits (don’t knock it till you’ve tried it). Kristen Lamb’s article on deep POV and how to achieve it contains easy to follow advice. Whether your magnum opus is open on your computer right now or just hanging out in your brain with tuna salad recipes, take a look at her suggestions. Kristen Lamb’s Blog
Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog
Stay tuned for the new Sorchia’s Universe. Bigger, better, spookier than ever before!!
A nifty guide by a nifty writer: check it out and enter her contest.
Z is for . . . Zincite or zeolite or zoisite Today, thank all the gods, is the last day of the 2015 A-Z Blog challenge. Thank you for reading and commenting during this month. It’s been enlightening for me as I hope it has been for you. To end with a splash, Here are three Z stones. Zeolite A Reiki stone that attunes the energies and heals Releases toxins and helps overcome addictions—especially alcohol Dispels odors—they sell this as a […]
Y is for Yin-yang Last year for the A-Z Blog challenge, my theme was Magic. Since all stones carry either yin or yang energy, the post is relevant for our month-long study of healing crystals. (yes, I’m punting because I couldn’t find a y healing crystal. Be here for the big finish tomorrow, when the Z stone is Zeolite with maybe a couple of others to make up for today.) See the Y is for Yinyang post HERE. Do you love […]
X is for Xesturgy X is traditionally a difficult letter to fit into this blog. While I couldn’t find any stones or crystals that started with X , thanks to the Greeks, the process of polishing stones is called Xesturgy. Creating a smooth, shiny stone takes a certain amount of time, but it isn’ t rocket science. You can do it by hand or you can buy a rock tumbler and let technology do the work. Polishing rocks by hand […]