Everybody loves a good storyteller—and so much the better if he is a good-looking Scottish witch. In Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, just such a character tells Zoraida stories about the fantastic and sometimes deviant creatures of Scottish folklore, many of whom this guy knows on a first name basis. In the cliffs above the haunted castle, he tells her about the Blue Men of the Minch. The Minch is a particularly inhospitable stretch of water between Scotland and the […]
Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog
I’m the feature at Long and Short Reviews Anniversary party today only! Answer a question about Just Like Gravity and enter the contest for $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift card and other prizes. Just click the picture to go directly to my featured post. WHAT!! You say you haven’t read JLG yet! Pick up a copy HERE. And check out my new release–Coming in October 2015–Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones.
I’m taking over the PRG Book Club’s FaceBook page this week. It’s a fun opportunity and a chance to connect with people who read the kinds of things I write. Stop by and get a reading if you are curious. You will need to join the group and wait for approval, which usually comes within a very short time. On Tuesday, July 14, and again on Friday, July 17, I’m doing free tarot readings between 5 and 7 p.m. CST […]
I’m taking over PRG BookClub FB page at Paranormal Romance Guild BookClub Free copies, contest, spooky stories, and a few free tarot readings later this week. Stay tuned!
I’m celebrating this summer solstice at the Chicago Highland Games. Our favorite son, Kris, will be taking care of the place while we are gone. He would rather be coming with us, but –hey, life’s hard. In the wee hours of Friday morning, we’ll drive away from our cozy house in the woods through the remnants of Tropical Storm Bill to St. Louis. There, always supposing our GPS gets us to the right place, we hop a train for Chicago. […]
This Mercury Retrograde has been a bitch! Tweaked my knee–still hobbling around on that and hoping it will eventually heal–car trouble, two dishwashers bit the dust, one dryer heating element is on the fritz, various electrical snafus, and an Internet gremlin infestation that cost me hours and hours. It’s over today! I’ve found that every retrograde brings an opportunity to learn–as well as an opportunity to try out new curse words–and this retrograde was about patience, slowing down and smelling the […]