Prevent the Flu with Magical Echinacea It’s an Elemental, My Dear Watson
Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog
At this time of year, I need bonfires as much as I need air. The smell of a wood fire, a bit of pine, a skosh of cedar, a chunk of oak, and a hint of hickory relax every corpuscle of my pagan blood. So I belong to a few FB groups of witches and other creative types and some of them had been posting pictures they took of their own bonfires. So I thought it was a good idea. […]
That tap-tap-tapping you hear on your window is the icy finger of Winter. Geese fly south, leaves fall and the flu virus incubates at fast food restaurants, on shopping cart handles, and in gas station bathrooms. While you can get a flu shot as a preventative measure, some of us don’t like the flu shot. Some of us are certain the flu shot is the way the government implants silicon chips, which leak mind-numbing chemicals into our bodies, turning us […]
This is too cute not to share! I plan to populate my house and office with spirit cats! Source: Spirit Cat Pattern for Protection, Success, or Healing | Silver RavenWolf
I love Halloween—more than Christmas, Easter, and Fourth of July combined! Halloween or Samhain (Sahv’-un or Sow-un, but NEVER Sam-hane) is one of the two hinges of the year with Beltane on May 1st being the other. On a witchy calendar, Samhain is Witches’ New Year, the border between the warm, easy days of summer and the bleak, dead winter to come. And so, of course, I have big plans for this one. It should be noted that often I […]
The legends of Scotland are more than stories to the characters of Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones. Strange creatures roam the moors and craggy mountains of the Scottish Highlands and Zoraida discovers more than a few could be her blood relations. Scotland’s version of a female vampire, the Baobhan Sith (pronounced Baa’-van shee), makes Transylvanian vampires look like sweet fluffy rabbits. The Baobhan sith appears to her victims as a beautiful woman wearing a gown of green or white. […]