Looking for new favorite authors? Join over thirty Wild Rose authors for Summer treats and links to great reads. The hop starts July 22 and goes through July 30. Sign up for our Grand Prize–A Kindle Fire. Visit blogs for summer recipes, summer retreats, and summer life hacks. Many authors are running contests on their blogs in addition to the Grand Prize, so visit as many as you can. And, of course, check out the excellent books—from sweet to steamy […]
Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog
So here you are sitting in the office of a hypnotherapist getting ready for your first past life regression. You’ve practiced meditation, you’ve got a question you want answered, and you’ve got your safe place all ready–just in case. Now what? Here is a version of the guided imagery my hypnotherapist used as we went into the session. If you want to do this at home–and you can–record your own version or just run through it in your mind as […]
The hypnotherapist gave me homework to accomplish during the week before the real deal. As a preliminary exercise, I meditated daily. The object of the meditation was to establish a safe place as well as to practice meditating. Meditating regularly is the best way to prepare for a regression if you think you might like to do this someday. My safe place turns out to be a room in a stone tower on the very top of a craggy hill […]
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
A quick Midweek Post. I’m guest blogging at Just Paranormal Romance today and tomorrow. Enter to win a $10 Amazon Gift Cert and a free e-copy of Just Like Gravity. Stay tuned for this week’s post about preparing for a past life regression.
When I decided to write about reincarnation in Just Like Gravity, I wanted to try a past life regression for myself so I could use that experience in my book. Finding a hypnotist who does past life regressions wasn’t easy. Let me amend that: finding a reputable hypnotist who does past life regressions wasn’t easy. I found several questionable people—somebody called Madame Sophia turned up in my Google search and for a while I thought I would have to give […]