Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog

514 posts

A Primer for Past Life Regressions

When I decided to write about reincarnation in Just Like Gravity, I wanted to try a past life regression for myself so I could use that experience in my book. Finding a hypnotist who does past life regressions wasn’t easy. Let me amend that: finding a reputable hypnotist who does past life regressions wasn’t easy.  I found several questionable people—somebody called Madame Sophia turned up in my Google search and for a while I thought I would have to give […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Blogging–

–To bring you a little more news about Zoraida Grey. First–the deal with Wild Rose is on and we are trying for an October release—if I can stop pestering Mary, my patient and saintly editor. Next–earlier this year I promised everyone who follows this blog a chance for a free book of Zoraida Grey short stories in May. Now that I am a big-time author with Wild Rose and publishing a book with those same characters, I have a contractual […]

Sorchia’s Universe is EXPANDING

The big news this week is about Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones—and probably the next two books  in the series. Zoraida Grey will be published by Wild Rose Press. The contract is signed, returned, and locked in a vault protected by stray dogs and flying monkeys. I am hoping strongly for a September or October release,  but that might be optimistic. I’ll be posting here and all across Sorchia’s Universe (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Goodreads, Tumbler, etc) as new […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Sorchia’s A-Z Blog Reflections—2017 A-Z Challenge: Bigger, Better, Bloggier

I know better! I had completed only 6 or 7 posts by the first of April 2016. As a result, I didn’t really achieve my goals for this challenge which were to: Finish it. I missed a couple of letters and the shame weighs heavy, but like most of you, I have a job and a family who selfishly expect me to be available. Gain followers. Well, if you don’t get out there and interact, you get what you deserve—nada. […]

Things That Go Bump in the Night–Zombies

I grow weary of TV and movie zombies. Bloody, yes; scary, not so much. The truth is far more terrifying. A zombie is a supposedly dead person who has been reanimated. In Haitian voodoo, which may have its roots in Western or Central Africa, a zombie is an undead slave created by a witch or priest or priestess. The creature was once alive but, by the application of magic and a few household ingredients in the right proportions, got zombified. […]

Things That Go Bump in the Night–Yawkwawiak, the Giant Bear

Y is another tricky letter but the Yawkwawiak makes a fine addition to the bestiary we are developing at Sorchia’s Universe He’s also called Katshituashku by the Penobscot Nation and is an elephant-sized bear who enjoys munching on unwary nature-lovers—or anyone else who wanders into the forest. The stiff-legged bear makes an appearance in the lore of several Native American tribes. The Penobscot Nation reports that the big, shaggy mammal can’t bend its legs and leans on trees to rest. […]