Sorchia’s Universe–The Blog

515 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Shadows of Ghosts by L.A. McGinnis

This Novel Magic post takes us back to our normal haunts–this time with vampires!  L.A. McGinnis’s Shadows of Ghosts. Oh, and by the way–Scottish Vampires!! Read on for a bonus peek at the second book in the series. Here’s the blurb! Driving to South Carolina to claim an inheritance from a total stranger didn’t figure into Logan Dean’s long term plans. But she’d be a fool to pass up an opportunity, and her mother didn’t raise any fools. Now she’s […]

Novel Magic and Goddess Fish Promotions present: The Oath-Maddy and Silenus by Susan Badaracco

Today, we have a beautiful book for young readers–and it’s about unicorns!! Unicorns–as you know–are Scotland’s official animal–appearing in Scottish coats of arms since William the first. So we wanted to know a bit more about this book and the author. Read on for an excerpt and a short interview. Oh–BTW–the book is. 99 during the tour. (And Christmas is coming!)   Susan Badaracco will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner […]

Novel Magic: Jade’s Redemption by Constance Bretes

In the U.S.. this week includes our Thanksgiving celebration–a harvest festival which celebrates all the blessings which came our way during the year. At Sorchia’s Universe, I’m thankful for a bunch of stuff, not least of which is the opportunity to share authors who join me for Novel Magic. Today, Constance Bretes shares her new release, Jade’s Redemption. Being nosey, I asked her a couple of questions about the book. (And BTW, read on to find out how to enter […]

Novel Magic: The Boyfriend Swap by Meredeth Schorr

  I’m excited to announce that Sorchia’s Universe is now a host for Goddess Fish Promotions. While, we’ll usually stick to our favorite fare of paranormal, Gothic, or horror, every now and then we’ll share something that just sounds like fun like today’s selection. The Boyfriend Swap is a Romantic Comedy by Meredith Schorr. Here’s the set up. BONUS: Meredith is offering a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card today. Enter at the end of this post but the more you […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Book Blast: Duets and Dominance by Anya Summers

Something a little different this week. Sorchia’s Universe is teaming up with Goddess Fish Promotions to provide the occasional tasty morsel. Usually, we’ll stick with the paranormal, the freaky, the out of the ordinary. But life is full of alternatives and it’s always good to venture beyond the boundaries of your safe little world. Today, we give you a steamy peek at the world of Doms and Subs in an erotic romance by Anya Summers. BONUS: Anya is offering a […]

Novel Magic: Rule Breakers Soul Takers by Jacqueline Jayne

Happy Halloween, my darling Sorchialites! May your Samhain celebrations be enchanting and may your spells never backfire. (Seriously, let’s be careful out there. Nobody wants a repeat of the embarrassing toad debacle of ’07.) Since Halloween falls on a Novel Magic Tuesday, we wanted to present something fitting for the season. And what’s better than a little trip through the Gates of Hell. My guest, Jacqueline Jayne, explains the inspiration for her latest release. I hope you find it spookily […]