Happy New Year! It’s never too early to celebrate the end of 2021! All in all, it was a better year than 2020. That’s about the best I can say about it. The Universe is still spinning along in a magically gothic part of the time/space continuum, but it’s been rocky at times. When I was a kid, I used to moan about how unfair it was that I had to live in such boring times. Not so much now. Bring on the boring and normal days.

As always, I’m full of ideas (among other things) as the new year looms. Lots of things I want to do. Lots of things I plan.
How many of my plans will actually work—how many will I be able to sustain? No one knows, but they say sharing your aspirations helps make them come true, so here goes with my writing-related dreams for 2022.
Most importantly, I have a trilogy in the works and I’m making some progress on those three books. All the Pretty Knives is nearly finished and the other two are outlined with scenes coming together nicely. I hope that All the Pretty Knives and Birds of a Feather are ready for Beta readers in spring and summer respectively with publication before the end of the year (only a year later than I first hoped.) Corked, the last in the trilogy, may have to wait for release until early in 2023.
I just completed an editing certificate program. I’ve edited fiction sort of as a sideline for years, but I’m going to get more serious this year. Prices are low, so if you are an author needing developmental or copy editing, contact me and I’ll share my bona fides and price list. I can edit only a limited number—maybe 10 or so for the year– and I already have a couple of documents slated for editing in 2022.
The biggest new thing—and I’m not sure how it will work out– is that I’m going to do a limited number of book reviews this year. I already do reviews for NetGalley which I post on this site from time to time. I’ll add to those and I’ll offer reviews to my Novel Magic authors, as well. Sign up for a Novel Magic post first Here and follow the link on that page to the Review Request form if you are interested in a free review.
The ole blog is percolating along nicely with Novel Magic posts nearly every Monday in 2021. I’ve automated with an on-site booking calendar and a few other bells and whistles. When it works—I love it. You’ll find another year’s worth of magical reads in Novel Magic 2022.
You’ll see Novel Magic posts on Mondays, Sorchia Reviews posts on Wednesdays, and Sorchia’s Universe Posts on Fridays. That’s the plan.
I’m adding a free story post once a month. These will be some neat little flash fiction stories that show up on the last Friday of the month beginning in January. When you see these, feel free to critique to your little heart’s content. These will all wind up in a short story collection later this year.
In other Hopes and Dreams? Well, I’m getting close to the time when the day job is just not going to cut it—it’s not a bad job and working online has certainly been an advantage during the plague, but I’m ready to ditch it and see what happens. This won’t become reality for another year and some change, but it’s close enough to dream about.
By the way–Thanks for reading along this year! May your New Year be filled with peace, health, and prosperity!
What are your hopes and dreams for 2022?
Let me hear from you below in comments or in tweet threads or Facebook comments. The first step in manifesting anything is to say it out loud!
Next week, look for the first in a duo of posts aimed at Novel Magic authors. Best Practices for Novel Magic Authors and Getting the Most Mileage from your Novel Magic Post list tips for guest posts to promote your latest Great American Novel.