Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Sorchia’s Highway Cafe Spring Tour: Blackberry Winter

Welcome to my stop on the Highway Café Spring ‘Tastic Blog Tour. To be eligible for the grand prize, leave a comment on this post—and on other blogs in the tour—and visit Highway Cafe Blog  to leave a comment and find more blogs to visit.  Look for Easter Eggs on each post.


Blackberry Winter

I live in a secluded part of the world. It’s an hour to a decent grocery store and two hours beyond that to an airport of any size. When I want to see a play or go to a concert, I have to add in the cost of a hotel room because driving three hours home after an evening out is not high on my list of fun things. Cell phone and Internet service are spotty and restaurants in the area tend to be  . . . disappointing.

My house is situated about a mile from the highway on a bit of land that lays more vertical than horizontal. The property is bordered by state and federal forest and my nearest neighbors are half a mile away. They are very nice people and we share views and break bread together from time to time. We also share a love of seclusion and a healthy respect for each other’s privacy. They are musicians and I’m a writer—peace and quiet feed our obsessions.

Many things about living where I do are inconvenient, annoying, and downright impossible.

Spring is not one of those things.

Blackberry briars grow enthusiastically along my drive and at the edges of glades and along the pond dam. Early spring warmth encourages them to bloom sometime in April. Along with the blackberry blooms, we can expect a few days of cold, rainy weather we call Blackberry Winter.

In years past, Blackberry Winter brought freezing temperatures, killing frost, and sometimes snow. This year, the temperatures fell from the upper 70s to the lower 40s and a cold rain fell for two days.  The result has been a fresh, clean taste in the air and an explosion of green growth.

Soon enough, the temperatures will be back up in the 70s and this brief reminder of winter will fade into humid summer. This Blackberry Winter has been mild and beautiful and I wanted to share a few pictures.


Be sure to visit other blogs on this spring hop and look for Easter eggs. Leave a comment here and Go to The Highway Cafe Blog Tour Page  to finalize your entry for the grand prize—a Basket of Books. One of mine is in there—Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones (Which is up for a RONE Award this week. Go to to vote.)

During April, I’m participating in the madness called the A-Z Blog Challenge with a serial story- here’s the first part of the story. You can catch the daily episodes by subscribing to Sorchia’s Universe.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Cold Spring 1_13″]


Visit these amazing authors who are participating in the Spring ‘Tasitc Blog Tour.
Darlene Fredette –
Peggy Jaeger –
Holland Rae –
Nancy Fraser –
Gini Rifkin –
M. S. Spencer –
Lori Sizemore –
Hywela Lyn –
Tena Stetler –
Maureen L. Bonatch –
Denysé Bridger –
K.K. Weil –
Linda Carroll-Bradd –
Anna Durand –
Casi McLean –
Catherine E. McLean –

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