Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Sorchia’s #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

Every April, a hardy group of bloggers set forth to complete the A to Z April Blog Challenge. This involves posting a blog every day in April—except Sundays. As if posting every damn day isn’t enough, the posts have to be in alphabetical order. Meaning your topic for Day 1 starts with an A . . . aaaaaand you get the idea.

It starts out like this:

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Proceeds to this:

And ends up a little like this:


For the past three years, I’ve participated with themes like Magical Words, Magical Crystals, and Creepy, Crawly Critters. Lots of fun!

This year, I’m trying something new. I’m a writer, so I’m posting a brand new story. Each day, I’ll post a short episode—averaging around 400 words. I’ll also link to previous posts and a weekly link to the Story So Far.

If you follow my blog you won’t be surprised to find that I’m writing a fantasy/Gothic tale about—what else—witches.

Comments Welcome!!

I particularly love compliments, but I’m also interested to see if each episode does what I want it to and if the story as a whole makes sense. And, of course, if any nasty typos or outright mistakes linger—tell me about that, too.

“A Cold Spring”

By Sorchia DuBois

 Lucia murdered two-thirds of the powerful Darkmore and La Croix families with a blinding curse. A thousand years later, when Allium Darkmore and Maddock La Croix celebrate their wedding, the guests can’t help but shudder at the memory.

That’s all it is, isn’t it?

A memory?

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