Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Sorchia Reviews The BookBinder’s Daughter

The Bookbinder’s Daughter by Jessica Thorne

Prepare yourself for an engrossing fantasy! The Bookbinder’s Daughter is Sophie, a girl with a complicated past—a past she can’t remember. She’s at loose ends after her father’s death so when her uncle offers her a coveted position at a respected library, she can’t resist. She leaves the manipulative boyfriend—oh, the magic of that—and returns to The Special Collection. It’s a wondrous place that her fragmented memory longs for and fears.

What Works:

Musical language and vibrant description. Such a poetic and thoughtful story with some nice action to boot.

A neatly spieled plot—I was sucked right in. That old disbelief suspended itself in the nearest chandelier and stayed there.

Characters and dialogue rang true for me.

What Didn’t Work so Well:

Honestly, I bought the whole thing hook, line, and sinker. Loved it all the way through.

If you need an escape to a mysterious library filled with mystery and intrigue along with magic, legend, and adventure—then this is for you. I highly recommend it to book lovers and inspiration seekers.