Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Novel Magic-Book 2 in a Fantasy Series: Hushed by Shereen Vedam

Back to our roots today with the latest in a fantasy series. A nice, clean read for those who prefer not-so-steamy romance and heroines on a quest.

Don’t say a word!

In one day, young TAMARA goes from being the king’s favorite, his first born and much-loved thirteen-year-old daughter, to having her father brutally murdered. Then she’s trapped by a time spell where no one hears her screams. Once she’d finally freed, she’s determined to stay that way. So, when she turns eighteen and her mother attempts to marry her off for “her own good,” Tamara is having none of it.

However, is going on a quest across realms to find her lost nephew the best plan? She’ll meets marauding giants and wily talking lizards. She’ll have to face spirits who should know better than to leave their graves and resurrect memories best left buried. Most important of all, she’ll have to come to terms with her greatest weakness, or strength, depending on her point of view. All the while, in the stillness a danger lurks that could destroy the rest of her family, and perhaps even her entire world.

For once, will Tamara be up to the task of being the one to save the day?


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Hop over to Shereen’s website to find more books and more ways to connect.

On a separate note–watch for this month’s edition of UnEarthly Tymes soon.