Last Chance to Win 6 books plus a Martini Glass
Becker Circle is the final installment of Novel Magic for 2019. Win a copy in the December Giveaway–but act fast. The contest ends at MIDNIGHT, December 31, 2019. Read through Addison’s post and enter below.

Remember You
Addison Brae
A few years ago a friend treated himself to a drink after a long day working the sushi restaurant in my neighborhood. He bought me a cocktail and said something very wise that made a lasting impression. “People have to love themselves first.”
Many people don’t appear to have that love. It affects their ability to be a friend, a lover, a responsible adult. I think I love myself—until something happens or someone hits a weak spot. Like me, many people have been in relationships where their partner beats them down emotionally. It’s a struggle to love myself again after so much. So long.
Those doubting moments became so common that I bought myself a ring. Inside the inscription says “Remember me 2011”. No one else knew the ring’s significance. I wore it to remind me to take care of myself when I didn’t have the strength to recall on my own—like Wonder Woman’s bracelets
It doesn’t take a wall of degrees to realize it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. We don’t always have to do for others. Treat yourself—a massage, mani/pedi, hot new outfit, or add a day to your next business trip to relax. It could also be quiet time at home. Make your favorite comfort food. Curl up in your nightie to watch a good movie. Read a good book. Sleep until noon, or all of them!
The dawn of a new decade is a great time to remember you. Time is valuable, but you are priceless.

About Becker Circle
My first and only boyfriend believed I was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. My name’s Gillian. I graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on my own, I land a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on me—at a huge price.
A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table I’m serving. The cops say suicide, but the hot guitar player in the band and I suspect foul play, and I intend to prove it. We dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery, we know the murderer. Watch the trailer, and look for Gillian’s next experiences in the sequel, Dark Energy, in 2020.

An Excerpt from Becker Circle
This is like a crazy crime-thriller movie and I’m in it. The fear drains to disbelief. It’s laughable.
“Do you understand now?” Jon grabs my hand, squeezes, and doesn’t let go. “I
don’t want you to end up like Bobby.”
Then the manicotti explodes in my stomach like a grenade. “But, how would I end up like Bobby?” I twist my hand out of his. “I’m not a drug dealer.”
“Gillian, listen to me.” He leans across the table almost tipping over the wine glass. “It doesn’t matter. That man already noticed you. You’re involved. The more questions you ask, the more we talk about it, the more you butt in, the more they’ll watch you.”
“The clues seem so obvious Bobby didn’t commit suicide—his mood, buying drinks for everyone, the way he died, how everyone’s reacting. If he didn’t, someone killed him.” The more I say to Jon the quicker my mind whirls.
My words flow even faster. “I don’t get it. His friends don’t believe the suicide bit, but no one’s doing anything. Not even the police. Like they’ve given up on him.” I glance down at the barely touched steaming plate and back at Jon. “I gave up on my Dad when I figured out he didn’t want help, but I’m not ready to give up on Bobby.”
Jon stares at the ceiling, his temples twitching while I glare at him as if he’s the killer. Like an un-stare off with both of us waiting for someone to give in.
“I also don’t want to keep walking around afraid of my own shadow. I don’t want to run. Again.”
If I keep asking questions, I’m dead. Just like Bobby. All by myself.
“Gillian, you’re not doing this alone.”
Buy A Copy
Find Becker Circle on Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords ($0.99 through January 1), Apple Books, Kobo, and B&N Nook. Proceeds go to Hope’s Door New Beginning Center to help fight domestic abuse.
Meet Addison Brae

Addison Brae lives on the edge of downtown Dallas, Texas. She’s been writing since childhood and continues as an independent marketing consultant. She’s addicted to reading and enjoys jogging, sipping red wine, traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing, and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
Connect with Addison on her website, Tirgearr Publishing, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Novel Magic December Giveaway
Enter NOW–Contest ENDS MIDNIGHT DEC. 31, 2019.
One winner will receive all the books featured in Novel Magic for the month PLUS one of mine. To enter, Select the link and follow the instructions. Winner will be chose randomly and contacted via the email address entered here. The Winner will also be posted in Sorchia’s Universe at the end of the giveaway. Unless the winner provides additional info, we will send prizes to the email address we have. No additional winner will be chosen. If no entries are received, no prize will be awarded. Everyone is eligible to win e-books, but only peeps with U.S. addresses are eligible for the Martini glass (we’ll sweeten the pot with an extra book for international winners.)
2 thoughts on “Novel Magic: Becker Circle”
Thanks Sorchia for letting me remind everyone to take care of themselves—something so many people forget. Readers – please something good you’ve done for here or on social media. Happy, safe and fun New Year’s wishes to all!
A slight do-over of the last comment:): Readers – please share something good you’ve done for yourself here or on social media. Happy, safe and fun New Year’s wishes to all!