Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

My Name is Sorchia and I’m a Fairy Garden Fanatic!

NewsBreak!! Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen is out of Final Galleys. Now we wait for a cover and for a release date!  Stay tuned for a Witch of a Giveaway when the clock finally strikes twelve on Release Day.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled post.

Last weekend I indulged a vice I’ve kept hidden for years. Something so deviant and depraved, I’ve been ashamed to share it with anyone. Something that may be a deciding factor in whether my children lock me up sooner rather than later.

I have a Fairy Garden Fetish.

Yes, it’s true. I love fairy gardens to the point of obsession.

I lust for  tiny trolls and gnomes and fairy castles and little strings of lights and little wine glasses and rabbits and chickens and tables and picket fences and bridges and garden chairs and mushroom houses and . . .stop me, if I go on too long…tiny bottles and little pools and shiny stepping stones and itty bitty turtles and frogs and….etc.

Fairy Gardeners Unite!!

So last weekend, my sister invited me to a Fairy Garden workshop in a town not so far away. Little did she realize she was unleashing a passion which knows no bounds. On some days, I would honestly trade my youngest child for the right fairy garden castle (It would need to be solar powered and have purple flowers in the window—in case you know somebody who has one.)

Anyway, before the workshop, we went to a Mad Hatter Tea party (this entire village is filled to the brim with nuts—I’m thinking of moving there) where we were plied with delectables of every description. The place is called The Chocolate Garage, so you can imagine the rest. I’m thinking I will do a book signing there around Christmas because even if I don’t sell a book, there will be chocolate.

Pre Fairy Garden Repast at the Chocolate Garage
The plates and teacups are mismatched, the conversation is demented, and the food is delectable.

After that, we made our way to The Amalgam Gallery of Art, a tiny little house tucked in a niche just off Highway 32 in New Caledonia, MO. On most days, the Amalgam displays art by local artists.  Today it is the scene of New Caledonia’s first ever meeting of FGA- Fairy Gardeners Anonymous.

Out back, sat enough fairy garden paraphernalia to give me twitches. Our hostess, donned in pink fairy wings and a tiara of woodland flowers real enough to draw bees, doled out sparkly rocks, a plethora of plants, mounds of moss, buckets of fairies and gnomes.

Fairy Garden Fairy
She’s sweet and bubbly–until her arch nemesis, the Wood Bee, buzzes too close.

To round out the day, we wandered around the village and looked at fairy gardens of all shapes and levels of enthusiasm designed by a variety of establishments in the community. The event is one of many themed weekends in the area including the Blackberry Festival in July.

Fairy Gardeners Anon.
As far as I know this is the first gathering of the Fairy Gardeners Anonymous in New Caledonia (or anywhere). That’s me and my sis on the lower right.

One Fairy Garden Begets More!

I went home with one fairy garden and plans for more. Right now, I am making gnome and fairy gardens—very sweet and pastel. A little too sweet, but—hey—it’s spring. I will Goth them up a bit and as the summer goes on.

Herbal Fairy Garden
Parsley, Sage, and Thyme are tended by three gnomes. I think we need a graveyard and a skeleton or two to make it more lively.
Broken Pot Fairy Garden
Thyme and Moss and a well sit under the solar powered light. I could just as easily add a skeleton on a gibbet for flavor.


Gnomes in the Hostas
Gnomes infest my Hostas .

And for the Autumn—ah, I have big plans. I’m already shopping for witches and cauldrons and spiders and tiny heads in bottles and miniature skeletons and gravestones and spooks and. . .but you get the idea.

Here’s my question—what plants go with a Gothic fairy garden?

They need to be houseplants or plants that will not mind being indoors for the winter. I’m toying with ivy and hens and chicks as well as moss and other succulents. Any ideas of herbage that will complement my Three Witches of Macbeth scenario? Or maybe my demonic trolls vignette?


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