“The sky’s spinning.” Ruprik eyed the gaudy carnival canopy above him through narrowed eyes. Cold from the cobblestones seeped into his back. He untwisted his arm from the legs of an overturned chair and pulled the damp tablecloth across his shoulders. His friend Chauncey lay nearby.
Chauncey hazarded a glance but squeezed his eyes shut. Despite the ice-bucket stuck on his left foot, he curled himself into the fetal position. “That hideous light must mean it’s morning.”
“What happened?”
“Drinking was involved. I recall having sherry on the veranda.”
“Odd,” said Ruprik, “I’m sure I had her in the kitchen.”
This past weekend found us in St. Louis at Tartan Days, a Scottish celebration. We didn’t wake up on the ground at the festival, but it was a near miss. The next morning, I did find a mysterious slice of pita bread in my pocket and I had the distinct impression I’d been dancing in an unseemly manner. No pictures or YouTube videos have surfaced, so it may not have happened. Many of you have mentioned that you automatically discard your first impression and I heartily agree, but this picture had only one meaning to me.
37 thoughts on “Morning After”
Thank you for making me laugh! Loved the ice bucket!
You are most welcome! I’m very happy you liked it. Thanks for stopping by.
Brilliant line!!!!! I love it – Sherry on the veranda and not in the kitchen. You make me laugh – this is a good, cute, and funny story! Love it! Nan 🙂
Thanks, Nan. Glad to brighten your day–that’s sort of what it’s all about. Makes me smile to make you smile 🙂
Lol,what a morning-after ;-)Loved the word play with Sherry-excellent take on the prompt Sorchia:-)
Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed reading it.
I was another reader who laughed out loud at that story. I could just picture it. It got funnier as it went along. Really good! 🙂
Thanks so much. There is something appealing to me about people in this situation. I’m glad it appealed to you, too.
Great morning after scenario – puns included!
Thanks very much. Glad you liked it.
Made me laugh, thank you.
You are most welcome! I’m very happy you liked it. Thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment.
Hilarious! Rocked my world! great!
Here’s a poem from a comedian of way back in the day, Red Skelton:
A prison cell, a dreary place
A prisoner committed a sin.
The warden said, “You have one hour of grace.”
He said, “OK, pal, send her in!”
Perfect!! Red Skelton is one of my favorites and that little ditty fits perfectly…thanks for it. Glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks again.
This was just hilariously funny.. I have woken up at unexpected places in my youth .. But never after having sherry in the kitchen 🙁
Thanks. Glad it made you chuckle. I find this topic strikes a chord with those who have suffered. Sherry, apparently, can be had in numerous locations.
Dear Sorchia,
Reminds me of the old ditty that goes…’Twas the night before Christmas and everyone was feeling Merry….so she went home and they all jumped for Joy.’ Very, very good story, right down to the ice bucket and innumerable other tiny details that infused your piece with life and painful light. Well done.
Thanks, Doug. Only those who have suffered really understand. Thanks for stopping by to read and for your kind comments.
Dear Sorchia,
You seem like a mild mannered lady in person. Now I’ll always picture you with a lampshade on your head, pita in your pocket and smiles painted on your knees. 😉
What a delight to read. You made me laugh out loud. Glad I wasn’t in mid swallow.
Thanks so much, Rochelle. I am on my best behavior at writerly events 🙂 but the Scottish parties are another thing entirely. Happy to have made you giggle.
Great last line and just fun throughout. Did your weekend involve an caber-tossing or don’t you remember doing that either? 🙂
I personally didn’t toss any cabers but I watched a few laddies give it a try. That’s my favorite bit about the games though all the events are fun. Thanks for your kind comment. I’m glad you liked it, Janet.
Brilliant. I love a bit of comedy, and this was a proper laugh out loud punchline. Fab!
That is good to hear! Thanks for reading and commenting.
I laughed out loud at this, Sorchia. Great story.
Excellent! That’s what I like to hear. Thanks for reading and commenting, Karen.
🙂 🙂 Well done!
Thanks, Sandra.
And, I repeat… ha! ha! Good one!
Thanks, Caerlynn. Glad you enjoyed it.
That’s really funny. Nothing like a bad pun. It reads like you know about parties like that.
Hahaha. Unfortunately, I do. It never fails to amaze me how quickly and thoroughly I forget the consequences and wake up contrite and vowing to never, ever do that again. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
Well done for going with your first impression. I did the same, as I usually do.
Thanks, Liz.
hahahaha! “in the kitchen.” hysterical:) nicely done.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. That’s a line I’ve been trying to work into something for a long time.