Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Just Like Gravity–On Sale

It’s been a hectic week in Sorchia’s Universe. Long story short–that post about the Green Man didn’t get written. Look for it next week. And maybe a little kind of exciting news to go along with it.

Not to fear–there’s always something to read . Here’s a little taste of Just Like Gravity–on sale for the special price of .99 through February 20. After that, it goes back to the regular $2.99.  Still a reasonable price since you get three stories in one book.


“Holy God!” Davy stopped the Land Rover, sliding on the gravel and flinging me against the dash. brochHe shut off the motor. A shrill wind whistled in the open window.

“What the hell are you trying to do?” I pushed myself back in my seat. I still couldn’t see anything to occasion such a reaction. Davy pulled me over on the driver’s side and used both hands to point my face up the hill.

The bottom dropped out of my stomach. If I could have crawled under the seat, I would have. Cousin Ian’s knife at my neck seemed a charming interlude compared to this.

High on the hill, perched on the edge of the cliff, black and forbidding, stood the shell of an ancient tower. Nearly a third of the wall had collapsed, scattering chair-sized obsidian rocks higgledy-piggeldy down the hill. A doorway, dark as midnight, gaped in the side. It pulled at me like a black hole. I felt death behind it.

ONLY 99 CENTS through February 20. Click HERE to get your copy.

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative


Next Week–Hints of Spring in Sorchia’s Universe–the Green Man. For Sure! I Promise!