Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Goddess Fish and S.K. Dubois present: The Dark Court by Vyvyan Evans

The Dark Court is set in the near future, featuring Lilith King, the world’s most celebrated cybercrime detective. Lilith had always known she was different. Attitude to burn for one thing. The strange chanting in her head since she was seven, for another, coinciding with the day her father died. And then the Aura, the sensory disturbance that makes her sick to the pit of her stomach, seemingly coinciding with the new, strange apparition that’s haunting her. She also possesses the ability to solve crime through touch alone. Her father’s parting gift to Lilith was a SwissSecure bracelet—a device that grows with her, spinning numbers in translucent green, that contain messages that will reveal themselves “when she is ready” whatever that means.

And years later, after she inadvertently kills a man, the spinning numbers on Lilith’s SwissSecure bracelet stop, giving rise to a pre-recorded projection of her long-dead father. He comes to her as an apparition, warning her of the music in her head, the Mind Chant of the Sage, who seeks to control her—the Mind Chant is an addiction, which if rejected will be turned off, leading to her death within twelve hours. After all, Lilith may be the she-demon whose coming has been foretold by the Sage’s Council of Elders, the Quessoch, who whose mind chant goes as follows:

All hail the Sempiternal Ruler, our Sage, the oldest being in the Elyonim, Head of the Council of the Quessoch. We proclaim Your glorious splendor which protects, and banishes all the spirits of the destroying angels, gaseous spirits of Satanael, Watchers imprisoned in the Chaos. You are the revered keeper of their somas, and protector of the Nunciature Evangelion. Oh mighty Sage, our Majesty-on-High in the Tower of Songs, save us from the dark power of the Mashiach, the she-demon, Lilith.

The Mind Chant of the Quessoch Apostles
Translated into Unilanguage English (North American Standard) from High Enochian

In the image (below), Lilith King is holding a void prism, which contains a Chol—the soul of one of the twelve ancient language engineers. She must locate all twelve, to retrieve the master Chol, before the Sage can.

The Dark Court

A genre-blending dystopian, sci-fi mystery-thriller that will make you think about communication in a whole new way.

Five years after the Great Language Outage, lang-laws have been repealed, but world affairs have only gotten worse. The new automation agenda has resulted in a social caste system based on IQ. Manual employment is a thing of the past, and the lowest soc-ed class, the Unskills, are forced into permanent unemployment.

In a world on the brink of civil war, a deadly insomnia pandemic threatens to kill billions. Lilith King, Interpol’s most celebrated detective, is assigned to the case.

Together with a sleep specialist, Dr. Kace Westwood, Lilith must figure out who or what is behind this new threat. Could the pandemic be the result of the upskilling vagus chips being offered to the lowest soc-ed class? Or are language chips being hacked? And what of the viral conspiracy theories by the mysterious Dark Court, sweeping the globe? Lilith must work every possible angle, and quickly: she is running out of time!

While attempting to stop a vast conspiracy on an intergalactic scale, Lilith also faces shocking revelations about her origin, coming to terms with her own destiny.

Meet Vyvyan Evans

Dr. Vyvyan Evans is a native of Chester, England. He holds a PhD in linguistics from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and is a Professor of Linguistics. He has published numerous acclaimed popular science and technical books on language and linguistics. His popular science essays and articles have appeared in numerous venues including The Guardian, Psychology Today, New York Post, New Scientist, Newsweek, and The New Republic. His award-winning writing focuses, in one way or another, on the nature of language and mind, the impact of technology on language, and the future of communication. His science fiction work explores the status of language and digital communication technology as potential weapons of mass destruction.

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