Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Getting the Most Mileage from Your Novel Magic Post

So, you have a fantastic post filled with wit and wisdom. (I talk about how to write this fantastic post in How to Make Your Novel Magic Post Magically Delicious.) Your post has compelling content, vivid images, and it speaks to the souls of readers everywhere. How do you get the word out and make sure it doesn’t get lost amongst the hundreds of thousands of posts that hit the Internet each day?

Here’s my best advice. These are important extras that can make or break your guest post experience.

  1. Use your own audience. Send out a quick note to your mailing list to let them know you’ve put something snazzy out and invite them to drop by.

  1. Inveigle, bribe, beg readers to follow a link to your website. I believe a website—even a storefront website—is an essential element for writers. On your website, you can provide an easy signup for your newsletter and tempt them with freebies or sales as well as provide more info about your latest, greatest book.

  1. Buy links—Believe it or not, some of my guests do not include this vital bit of info in their posts. Include links to the online bookstores where your book is available. Better yet, provide a universal book link that will take readers to a list of all the places they can get your book. Timing is important, too. To get the most out of the post, your book should be available to buy or at least to preorder.

  1. Give readers something to Remember you by! Send them to your website where they can find a free story. Link to your reader magnet (free content in exchange for a signup or follow.) Give away a freebie to a randomly selected person who comments on the post. Got a special sale going on? Tell them how to get the best price. Provide an exciting excerpt in the post.

  1. Provide links to social media. FB, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn—whatever. Engage with them at these places and see what happens.

  1. Elicit a comment in your post—ask readers to respond in the comment section of the post and then engage with them. Check back later in the first day of the post and respond to anyone there. Check back a time or two through the week. That’s all. I’ll be doing the same and together we will keep the ball rolling.

  1. Get your content to me—and to whomever is hosting you—at least a week ahead of the post date. It takes time to get these things up and running. It also takes time to get promos going. And I know that s**t happens. Emergencies and family business are absolutely understood in Sorchia’s Universe. All I ask is that you let me know. We can work out anything!

  1. Remember your ABPs—Always Be Promoting!

As soon as I have the post scheduled, I will send you the link to it. On post day, share the link in FB groups, on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Use a popular hashtag. Send a note to your email list. I try to promote on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, but any or all these applications sometimes decided they hate me and won’t work.

Let me tell you a secret. I am not an impartial observer. I’ve put time and work into building a bit of an audience. I promote other authors in part to pay forward all the help I have received but also to gain followers and to open my readership to the followers of my guests. It’s a win-win. So, I will promote the hell out of a post I can tell has been carefully crafted. Just sayin’.

And there you have my two-cents worth. I would love to hear what you think of anything I’ve had to say here. Agree? Disagree? Fell asleep and forgot what you were reading? I want to hear it all. Especially advice that I haven’t mentioned!

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