Friday Fictioneer contribution for April the twoth.
Rochelle, at, posts the picture prompt on Wednesdays. The challenge is to write a 100-word story from it.
Theatrical superstitions and legends abound. I chose

Macbeth, of course, and hope this homage doesn’t seem cheeky to Shakespearean experts—of whose number I am not one. If you enjoy my Friday Fictioneer entries, take a minute to look at my A-Z Blogs.
The lights come up. My cue. My gauzy gown about me floats. My crimson fingers dip into the silver chalice and, though the water twins their hue, they are stained beyond redemption. My crime—dark offense—will not be washed away by petty gestures. Eternally, I trod the boards and with those on this stage, I share the curse, double-double, three times three. Miserable wretches, doomed by their own words, a pricking of the thumbs they sense, as I pass— no more. At curtain’s fall, I into the ether fly. When next the Scottish play’s afoot, I will be there.
17 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers–Residuals”
Good use of language. She’s really living the part and lost herself in it. Well done.
Thanks. I appreciate your comment.
So there are FOUR witches! She’ll be a great actress.
beautiful words 🙂
Thanks so much for your comment!
I enjoyed the imagery you used to convey the play’s eerie aspects as they trickled into reality. A very fitting title as well. Great piece!
Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad you liked it.
Dear Sorchia,
Now that’s method acting at its finest. Love your use of the language. Nice.
Thanks, Rochelle. I was feeling all Shakespearey that day 🙂
Well, this student of Shakespeare enjoyed your amalgamation this week. Interesting twist, combining Lady MacBeth with the three twisted sisters.
All my best,
Marie Gail
Thanks, Marie. She fits in with the witches for me. Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you liked it.
“Residuals” indeed, Sorchia.
Thanks, Janet.
Something wicked this way comes? I sense we don’t know who’s worse, Lady Macbeth or the person playing her. That’s what I’m getting anyway. Nice character study.
Thanks, Perry. Maybe she got lost in the part.
Very poetic and beautiful.
Thanks. Kind of different for me. Glad you liked it.