Every Wednesday, Rochelle posts a photo prompt and invites scores of people around the globe to use the photo to inspire 100-word stories. I did this religiously for about a year and loved the way the weekly exercise tightened up my writing. Reading the way others interpreted the photo is a kick, too. It’s kind of amazing how much personality some people pack into just 100 words.
If you want to join the party, just go HERE to read the weekly offerings and post your own story.
This week’s photo:
Pesky Martians
It’s sunrise and the Martians are back.
“Go away, you bastards.” Aunt Minnie runs out the kitchen door, flapping her apron.
Jim pours Judy a cup of coffee. They watch through the window as Minnie hurls rocks toward the cornfield. Minnie shakes her fist and stomps back to the kitchen.
“Martians again?” asks Jim.
“They’ll trample the corn. Just like last year.” Aunt Minnie pulls the shotgun from the closet. She trots out the door and across the yard.
“What if she hits one?” says Judy.
Jim sips his coffee. “Those wind turbines are two miles away. Out of range.”