Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Free Tarot Readings, A Party, and A Contest to Celebrate the Solstice

The ancients celebrated the Winter Solstice with celebrations, drinking, and the occasional human sacrifice–probably in that order because who doesn’t want to burn someone alive after four or five shots of brown liquor?

My Winter Solstice celebration for 2015 includes a FB party for friend and fellow-author, Nicole Ozawa Cry in the FogTillman. Her latest release (and this little chickie is prolific, to say the least), is titled Cry in the Fog and is the latest in her Paranormal Peacekeeper Series. The launch party is on December 21, from 10 AM to 10 PM CST. I will be there from 5 PM to 6 PM.

During my author takeover, I will be doing 1-card tarot readings (first come;first served) and sharing glimpses into my book Just Like Gravity. You can also get a sneak peak at my work in progress, the Zoraida Grey Series.

Click HERE to join the party.

As if that isn’t enough, you can enter a contest for an e-book copy of Just Like Gravity and a free,personalized Celtic Cross Tarot reading done by yours truly. To enter the contest, subscribe to this blog. Then, collect points by  posting a comment, referring friends, and visiting the blog during the contest. If you already subscribe, leave me a message below and I’ll add the points for subscribing to your account. All of these activities have a point value and should be automatically calculated by the handy-dandy plug-in I’ve installed to do that. It’s a new thing for me, so be patient. Check the Leaders below.


1st prize–A 10-card Celtic Cross Tarot Reading and an e-copy of JLG

Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative


2nd Prize–a 10-card Celtic Cross Tarot Reading



To earn points, subscribe to my blog, refer your friends, visit the blog regularly, read and comment on content. Keep track of the contest leaders at the bottom of this post. The contest ends 12:01 AM, January 1. Prizes will be awarded as soon as I sober up on January 2.

The Fine Print: The tarot readings are intended for entertainment only and will be done vial email or instant message, unless you want to come to my house in the backwoods of Shannon County, Missouri. Once winners are selected, I will email or message you to  discuss the particulars. The e-copy of JLG will be emailed to the address you provided when you subscribed to the blog and will be available in e-pub, MOBI, or PDF files. Subscribing to my blog is a requirement to be entered in this contest. You can always opt out after the contest if you don’t want to continue.