Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Novel Magic: Author Tamela Miles Shares Her Earthbound Angels

Angels are everywhere–but finding them isn’t always easy.  Paranormal author Tamela Miles talks about finding her own angels and what it means to have a community of Earthbound Angels.

My Earth-Bound Angels

“For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.”
― Brian L. Weiss

I love angels, holy wars, good vs. evil – all those themes. Since I write from things close to my heart,Male Angel these themes keep popping up in my work. One of the favorite heroines I’ve created is demon hunter, Elle Connor, from my Hell On Heels series. She is tough as old leather but with a vulnerability when it comes to giving and receiving love. I put this body of work away right after I wrote the series and read it again with fresh eyes. I found key parts of myself in Elle.

I spent the better part of my youth watching chick-flicks, thinking to myself how cool it was to see a group of women support, love, and respect each other through the roller coaster that is life. I had close friends but it was somehow never as magical and larger-than-life than the stories told on – screen. I grew into young womanhood, a little disappointed that I could never seem to capture that magic in a few of my own feminine friendships.

As I got older, I began to have more deep, meaningful conversations with the girls and women in my family. My friends and I drifted in different directions, as life was calling us. I started with a big group of feminine friends and, by the time I was thirty, I remained close to only a few. I was forced to look elsewhere for that vibrant, necessary connection of womanhood and sisterhood. I finally found what I needed in the root of my family of women.

My sisters were now young adults, my Mom and stepmom sought to pass along their knowledge of the world and their wisdom. The timing was perfect, as I found joy and solace in what I call my “earth-bound angels”. They are always available – for emotionally heavy conversations or just for silly laughs. Now, I never lack for honest opinions, soulful wisdom on any topic imaginable, and light-hearted giggles with glasses of wine at midnight. Being a part of this circle is supremely fulfilling – and better than the best chick-flick!

Tamela Miles

Heart of a Hunter  Excerpt:

Heart of a Hunter“I don’t want you to leave.” Elle’s eyes teared up as she hugged Brandon to her fiercely.

They sat in the front seats of his black Charger at the park in his expensive part of the city. Christmas lights were blinking with shades of white, red, and green on almost every house that lined the block. She leaned back to look at his face and could barely read his pained expression in the almost darkness.

He stroked her cheek with his fingers. “Then come back east with me. You have a good GPA and could probably get into a less expensive but still good university. We’ll get our own place together—take classes during the day and work at night. We’ll have a good life, Elle.”

She shook her head sadly, brushing away tears. It was hard to tell him no, but her life as a demon hunter prevented her from leaving Tagas and her training. She knew that when that was done, she would leave her parents behind—leave everyone behind—and hit the open road to fulfill the purpose she had been called for. “Just don’t forget me when you get there.” Her voice was a hushed whisper in the dark.

Brandon ran his fingers through his dark hair and sighed. “How could I forget you when we’ll be seeing each other on holidays and school vacations? You thought this was over between us? No, I’m not giving up on us. What we share is too special, and I honestly don’t want anyone else but you.”

She sniffled, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. She nodded. “I feel the same way, so…um, vacations and holidays it is, then.” Her heart knew it for the lie it was. What kind of future could she realistically offer him when she finally recognized how bleak her future would be for a long time? Tagas had warned her that her time for close ties was coming to an end, but all she had seen was kisses in the rain and pretty rainbows. Should’ve thought about that before you fell in love


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