
190 posts

Novel Magic: Casi McLean’s Lake Lanier Mysteries

This edition of Novel Magic is a treat and an honor. My guest is Casi McLean, author of the award-winning Lake Lanier Mystery series. Casi is a busy lady this week as she releases the second book in the series. YOU are cordially invited to a Gala Facebook event celebrating the release. I’ll be there along with a plethora of pen-wielders to showcase Casi’s new book and a few other little items you might be interested in (like a tarot […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Some Whisper, Some Shout by K.K. Weil

Mystery, suspense, and a hint of romance along with the serious issue of mental illness make K.K. Weil’s latest release more than just a good read.  Walk a mile in Jolie’s shoes in Some Whisper, Some Shout. Thanks so much for having me today, Sorchia! I’m very excited to share my new release, Some Whisper, Some Shout, with you. Here’s an excerpt from the book. To give it a little context, my narrator, Jolie, is a woman whose family has struggled […]

Novel Magic: Paranormal Elements to Boost Mainstream Stories by Connie Johnson Hambley

Today, we’re talking about those subtle touches and whispers– a nudge at the top of the stairs–the scent of roses in the dead of winter–those little hints of a presence not entirely of this world with author Connie Hambley.   Paranormal Elements to Boost Mainstream Stories by Connie Johnson Hambley Frequent readers of Sorchia’s blog may gasp when reading this, but not everyone can digest a main course of paranormal or horror or fantasy. For some, a simple seasoning of […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Giving Books a New Life with Juli D.Revezzo

Audiobooks provide the same escape you found when your mom read stories out loud to you when you were a kid.  Remember how nice it was to close your eyes and fall into a story? These days you can listen to your favorite books via an audiobook service while you drive, make supper, or lounge on the couch with a glass of wine. Sorchia’s Universe is happy to present author Juli D.Revezzo, author of Lady of the Tarot. She’s going […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: A Dragon’s Treasure by Beverly Ovalle

If you don’t know by now, the most wonderful creatures populate Sorchia’s Universe. Our creature of the week is the star of Author Beverly Ovalle’s newest book, A Dragon’s Treasure. Be sure to enter Beverly’s contest for a Kindle Fire!!! Here’s Beverly to tell you about her addiction to dragons and her new book. Here be Dragons! I’ve always been fascinated with dragons, lizards and dinosaurs. Add in my addiction to romance and the eventual coming out of Paranormal Romance and […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: A Walk Down a Dark Street…Steampunk Style by Laura Strickland

It is my great pleasure to welcome Laura Strickland to Novel Magic this week. With at least 26 books under her belt (according to Goodreads) Laura writes historical romance and magical tales. Her latest, Steel Kisses, is the third in her Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series–and it has everything Sorchia’s Universe requires! But Laura can tell you about it more eloquently than I can. A Walk Down a Dark Street. . .Steampunk Style by Laura Strickland Imagine you’re walking down a […]