Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Book Tour: The Roots Run Deep by C.M. Forest

What’s better than a collection of Horror Stories at this time of year? In affiliation with Goddess Fish Promotions, let me introduce you to C.M. Forest. This post is part of a Book Tour which means there is a contest and a bunch of stops on the tour. Visit as many stops as possible because you can enter the contest at each stop, thus increasing your chances of winning the prize–a $15 gift card.

So this guest and I have a couple of things in common. For 1, we both hide our true identities behind a tissue of lies, thinly veiled as a pseudonym. And for 2, we both have (at least in my case) a potentially unhealthy but oh, so fun obsession with creepy movies/stories/things. If you’re up for some existential dread-and who doesn’t love THAT? on.

Greetings! My name is Christian but I write under the name C.M. Forest (Ooo, spooky!). Why do I write under than name? Dunno. I just do. Okay, that’s not true, I do know why. I enjoy my name, my real name, that is, but it doesn’t have the mystery, the intrigue that C.M. Forest does. Like, what do the initials stand for? Nobody knows! It could be anything! Chester Monroe. Charlene Mill. Chiaroscuro Milton. Chubbs Mahoney. Anyway, I’m getting off topic (wait, did I even start a topic yet?). I’m here to talk about my new book The Roots Run Deep.

What is my book about? Thanks for asking! It’s a short horror story collection. A nice menagerie of spooky stories. We got folk horror! Cosmic horror! Beach horror! Greif horror! Creatures! Western horror! Bugs! A very sinister donut shop! And more! Sorry for my over use of the exclamation mark, but I’m easily worked up.

Unlike my novels, The Roots Run Deep was an odd book to put together. The stories are all from 2017 to 2023, which, in case you were vacationing on Mars or something, you would know that a lot of stuff went down on good ol’ Earth during that time. As such, the book is chock full of existential dread (you know, the baseline for existence these days). So, if you like fear of the unknown, and a general sense that the sky is going to fall and kill us all, as much as I do, you’ll love this book!

One thing that is worth pointing out: I consider this book more like a collection of short films than a traditional book. What’s that mean? I don’t know! But I love movies and wanted to end this post (are we even calling it that? A post? Maybe barely-coherent ramble is more appropriate) with a list of my fav horror flicks.

So, yeah, I guess I’ll see my way. If you read my book, find me on the interwebs and let me know what you thought of it.


C.M. Forest’s list of the best horror movies ever (in no particular order)!

The Roots Run Deep by C.M. Forest

Dug from the twisted mind of C.M. Forest, the acclaimed author of Infested, comes a collection of 15 horror stories that will drag you into the abyss of fear and despair.

A fast-food playland with a nightmarish secret, a greenhouse with a bug problem, a busload of kids lost in the woods, a trip through the solar system to investigate a strange comet, and many more.

Brace yourself for an unrelenting journey through a world where evil knows no bounds, and darkness consumes all.

Meet C.M. Forest

Author Website | TikTok | Instagram | Twitter | FaceBook

And just for Fun…

I made this list many years ago. Every movie mentioned by C.M. will be on the new version (look for it in the Dead of Winter 2025)–along with several others. Most of my picks are, seriously, just for fun, while his are downright freaky.

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