Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Book Review: Noisy Creek by Pamela Foster

Greetings and Felicitations.  During this gift-giving season, I’d like to suggest you forget the department stores and support local businesses including local artists and writers. With that in mind, I’m going to be posting reviews of books by local authors from now until Christmas.  If you have a book you want me to review, leave a note.  I can only read so fast, but I’m willing to try.


My Review:

Pam Foster cooked up quite a tasty dish in her latest novel Noisy Creek.Noisy Creek cover by Oghma Creative

Take one fifty-five year old self-sufficient, self-assured, smart-mouthed southern woman and add a tall drink of water named Colin Jenkins, a tasty dish himself but at least fifteen years her junior. Mix in an odd assortment of relatives, friends, lovers, and foes. Steep in a sultry Georgia summer and roll in small town doin’s and local politics. What you get is a rollicking and earthy portrait of a gal who squeezes every last bit of juice out of life and distills it down to potent brew.

If you live south of the Mason-Dixon line, Pam’s description of Noisy Creek rings a true as a come-to-meetin’ church bell. One of three sisters, Alyson Ruth Barr—Baby Ruth to her friends and family—takes life as it comes. She’s had the good and the bad:

I lay here under him for a minute or two before I realized he wasn’t breathing. Then I waited another minute, praying for the familiar rise and fall of his chest. By the time I rolled him off and called 911, I didn’t need the paramedics to tell me my third husband was dead.

At fifty-five, she owns and operates a lucrative business and is surrounded by life-long friends and an eccentric, free-thinking family, but when a cousin introduces her to a younger man, she finds she has plenty of life left to live.

A shiver runs through me. I cross my arms and try for a matronly smile. The last thing I want is for Colin Jenkins to think that I am one of those silly older women who foolishly get all hot and bothered by gorgeous younger men. Because I most certainly am not.

Filled with family recipes like “Cousin Sally’s Brunswick Stew”, “Miss Nancy’s Pralines,” and “Coonass Shrimp Ettoufée,” the book drips with southern wit, southern charm, and southern talkin’.

“As her hostess, y’all probably should have paid a little more attention to how much that girl was drinking.” She does her best to shame me. “You know that child is no bigger than a minute, and, bless her heart, doesn’t have the brains God gave a goose. You need to speak with Jesus about settin’ that full pitcher of peach dynamite right in front of that child.” She lectures me just as though I give a rat’s ass.

Get another slice of Tricia’s Better-Than-Sex-With-A-Younger-Man pie, mix up a pitcher of sweet tea, and read Noisy Creek to see if there’s going to be a husband number four for Baby Ruth Barr.

Find out more about Pam and her writing at her Amazon Author Page and on her website.


Cover by Oghma Creative
Cover by Oghma Creative

If you like paranormal adventure and romance, visit my page— My latest book, Just Like Gravity, a paranormal romance set in Scotland, involves past lives, treachery, and murder. It’s available Here.

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