Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

A Witch’s Christmas

Once again, it’s Friday Fictioneer time in the Ozarks.  The challenge is to write a complete story in 100 words or less inspired by the photo prompt provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. My story today suits this festive week which holds Yule and Christmas and a full moon. If you want to join the fun by reading and posting your own story—go HERE.

By the way, critiques, comments, suggestions are welcome.

Season’s Greetings to all!!


A Witch’s Christmas

The window screeches as I pry it open. The dark house smells like gingerbread cookies. I’ll steal those, too.

A tabby cat’s eyes shine beneath the Christmas tree. She hisses.

“Hi, cat. I’m the reverse of Santa.” I laugh at my funny joke.

Strange words buzz from darkness behind me. I stop laughing.

The room expands. A round, red prison of glass encases me. The old woman plucks me from the floor and hangs me on the Christmas tree.

“A shiny new ornament, Grimalkin,” she says to the cat. “Don’t break it.”

The cat watches me dangle, her tail twitching.

Photo courtesy Scott L. Vannatter
Photo courtesy Scott L. Vannatter