Monthly Archives: August 2021

2 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Sunflower Legends and a New Release

Sunflowers! Bright, Beautiful, and featured in today’s Novel Magic post by author Jeny Heckman. Read all about Sunflowers and how they connect to Jeny’s new book, Dee’s Cornucopia–Released August 4. Grab your copy today! And find the link to the newest Giveaway from N.N. Light’s Book Heaven. Sunflowers in the design of Dee’s Cornucopia by Jeny Heckman Greek Mythology is such a giving source of inspiration for many aspects of our modern life. The never-ending soap opera-like saga of Greek […]

Novel Magic: Inspiration for YA Fantasy The Lost Chord

Novel Magic features a YA fantasy this week–The Lost Chord by Lyndi Alexander. I’m excited for you to learn about this book and the inspiration behind the main character. Also, note the link to Arms Around ASD, a resource center providing therapies for people on the autism spectrum. Meet the Inspiration for Bee Warrick by Lyndi Alexander I have a daughter on the autism spectrum. She is not Rain Man. What she is, though, is uncannily intuitive. She often seems […]