Monthly Archives: June 2021

5 posts

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Mayan Vampires

Leave a comment for a chance to get a Free Copy of this week’s featured book, Prophecies of the Mayan Undead by Fiona McGier. How did she dream her way out of writer’s block? Oh, and there are vampires! When a character talks directly to the author, you have to listen! by Fiona McGier I’ve always maintained that I get my best ideas for books from my dreams. I’ve woken up with entire story arcs–the details of the story unfold […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Novel Magic: Death By Sample Size

Do you keep a journal? Author Susie Black tells how her journal became the spark for a mystery series. How a Daily Journal Became a Novel by Susie Black Before I became an author, I was a sales exec in the ladies’ swimwear industry. During my career, I kept a daily journal. I documented all the quirky, interesting, and yes, sometimes quite challenging people I encountered and the zany situations I often found myself in. The daily journal is the […]

Encounters by Alana Lorens

Novel Magic: A Psychological Thriller

If the past year and a half has taught us anything, it’s that people are weird–sometimes in a sweet and charming way and sometimes not so much. We’ve been stressed out and we’ve dealt with other stressed out people, so let’s ratchet that up with a psychological thriller. Take a peek at Encounter by Alana Lorens and tell me what is scarier–vampires and ghosts or real people. You’ll find a code to get a copy of Encounters for only 99 […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Sorchia’s Book Reviews in May

I grew up on a farm about ten miles from town. No phone and limited TV reception. BUT we had shelves and shelves of books. My mom and my sister read to me until I was able to read on my own. Since then, reading is my reward to myself at the end of a busy day or on long summer weekends. As a writer, I know how important the accumulation of reviews is–and how nice it is to see […]

Tiger's Last Chance

Novel Magic: Scary Rabbits?

Tiger’s Last Chance author builds a wonderful world where rabbits shift into terrifying, toothy monsters!! Read all about Christina Lynn Lambert’s shifter world and her latest release: Tiger’s Last Chance. Scary Rabbits and Other Strange Creatures by Christina Lynn Lambert When I was writing my first book a few years ago, my oldest daughter who was about ten at the time, was reading Bunnicula by James and Deborah Howe. She loved the Bunnicula books so much that she asked me […]