Monthly Archives: February 2016

4 posts

Best Pagan Deity EVER–The Green Man

     As nature spirits go, the Green Man rocks. He’s the embodiment of Spring, of Nature, of rebirth and renewal, of fertility.  Carvings of the Green Man date back to the 11th century in Britain and tales of him are incorporated in myths and stories from long before that. So powerful is his he that even the rising tide of Christianity in Britain and Europe did not prevent stonemasons from carving his likeness on buildings–even churches.      A […]

A cat watches a full moon--very noir.

Just Like Gravity–On Sale

It’s been a hectic week in Sorchia’s Universe. Long story short–that post about the Green Man didn’t get written. Look for it next week. And maybe a little kind of exciting news to go along with it. Not to fear–there’s always something to read . Here’s a little taste of Just Like Gravity–on sale for the special price of .99 through February 20. After that, it goes back to the regular $2.99.  Still a reasonable price since you get three stories in […]

What the Devil? —–or——- What? The Devil!

Demons—malevolent creatures sent by Satan to monkey with human willpower and ultimately drag us all down to the fiery pit of Hell. I call bullshit on this! Everybody and his brother claims to see demons, cast out demons, hunt demons, or be possessed by demons.  Everything from eating the last piece of chocolate cake to chopping Granny into bite-sized bits gets laid off on Satan or one of his minions. And every ghost, entity, or poltergeist gets labeled a demon […]

Jumping at Shadow People

Dark forms in the corner. A sense something is moving just out of sight. A figure reflected for an instant in the window or TV screen. People have been jumping at shadows for at least two millennia—probably longer. Some of those cave drawings of weird stick figures and wavy clouds may be the cro-magnon equivalent of Ghost Hunters. (Yeah—I know that’s wrong for a lot of reasons, but go with me here.) Theories abound about shadow People but I think […]