Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Reader’s Guide to Sorchia’s Universe


Welcome to Sorchia’s Universe!

This Reader’s Guide to the Universe will tell you all you need to know about this site.

Here, you’ll find plenty of ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night.  If you crave paranormal romance, Gothic thrillers, monsters, witches, Celtic legend–we got that!

Follow the blog to get updates on posts and to receive my newsletter, the UnEarthly Tymes. Expect to find exciting new writers and books about all the things we love. I’ll share freebies and giveaways, too. You’ll always have a chance to win something!

You can change the settings or unsubscribe anytime.   Never fear!  I won’t overload your inbox and I won’t sell your email addy (unless I run out of money for Scotch.)

Some things may be R-rated–not much, but some.  You have been warned.

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Here’s what I try to add to posts and UnEarthly Tymes

  • I belong to several author groups. All of them are excited to find new readers and often offer freebies and sales and the chance to win schwag. I post all that stuff.
  • You’ll find posts from my author friends–mystery writers, paranormal romance writers, writers of thrillers, horror, and some people who specialize in Scotland and medieval or historical novels. Meet new authors in my Novel Magic feature posts. These are quick reads with big payoffs.
  • My own posts tend to be about what I’ve found in research and news about what’s coming up in my universe. 
  • I believe in magic and post things about witches and magic crystals and healing herbs and spells for getting rid of unwanted salespeople.
  • I also believe in Scotch whisky and do a little thing called the Scotch and Salad Diet from time to time which are salad recipes paired with the beverage of choice.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer–since I was a barefoot urchin paddling in the clear water of the Jacks Fork River–a trickling stream in southern Missouri. I guess the real problem that held me back was fear.

I don’t like to think of myself as fearful or hesitant or any of those things–and I’ve done plenty of brave things like being the first one in my family to graduate college and the first one for a long while to leave the continent and go abroad. I’ve survived cancer, busted bones, and toddlers. I’ve taught 7th grade, too, which should qualify me for the Teacher’s Silver Star or hazard pay or some kind of special room in the Old Teachers Home, at least.

The truth is writing is something I love and always thought I was pretty good at. But when you start sharing said writing, you are putting yourself right out there in a very public way and that was daunting.

Eventually, the need to write overcame the fear of sharing and here we are.

Now, why did I choose paranormal and fantasy?

Easy! I love the weirdness! Plus, I’ve always thought the women in most of the fantasy books I read were poorly done. Of course, there are exceptions. If you know of a fantasy or Gothic story with round, dynamic female characters, leave a comment.

Mostly, women were secondary characters, flat and stereotypically dumb/scared/bitchy/manipulative/jealous. I seldom found a story with a female protagonist who was a strong character who made reasonably believable decisions or acted in any way similar to the way I thought she should.

So I decided to fix that.

Zoraida Grey and her friend Zhu are more like it–in my opinion–and I admit I am biased. They drink a little more than they should, and say bad words if necessary. They ogle nice-looking men in a purely sexist manner, but they also expect men to be more than just pretty faces…and muscular arms…and broad chests….

I put them in a haunted castle with a bunch of witches to see what they would do. The result is the Small Town Witch trilogy.

Next up is a trilogy of cozy mysteries featuring, you guessed it, witches and magic and paranormal–oh my!

And there you have it–Sorchia’s Universe in a Nutshell. I hope you hang around. You are free to lurk but I’d love to hear what you think, too! Sign up for my somewhat spasmodic newsletter–The Unearthly Tymes to take advantage of sales and freebies.

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Thanks for stopping by!


P.S. You can also follow me on social media.




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The Fine Print–Reader’s Guide to Policies and Disclaimers


Please be aware that blog posts and other content are under copyright and are the legal property of me or the original author of the post in the case of guest blogs.  It is NOT okay to copy and paste bits and pieces of any post or other content without consent and proper documentation.  As a matter of fact, that is illegal and punishable by fines and other horrible things.

I have no problem with profanity, when used well and for a good reason. Finding that someone disagrees with your opinion is not a good reason.  Otherwise, let it fly. Bullying or denigration of any kind will result in deletion–of your post, at least.


I don’t share the email addresses of subscribers. Nor do I share personal info about any subscribers or myself. Please don’t put anything in a comment that you don’t want shared with the world. That is just a fact of the Interwebs.

I collect email addresses for the purpose of sending monthly/quarterly newsletter to interested readers.  I will send posts when I release a new book or when I have a promotion in progress. These are the only reasons I will send you an email.


When I start to sell on this site, you will find a terms of service for sales here. Right now, don’t try to buy anything here cuz it ain’t working yet.

Affiliations and Reviews

All reviews posted here concerning my own works are legitimate reviews, written by a third-party who is not compensated in any way–except those who receive a free copy of the book for purposes of reviewing it. I’ll note this circumstance in the review.

Occasionally, I post links or posts from people who provide a service for writers or who are offering a product that relates to my own writing.  I make every effort to ensure that these people are legit, but I can’t take responsibility if they turn out to be stinkers.  Do your own research before you enter into a business relationship online. Contact me if you have questions about any person or business I feature on this site.I will tell you all I know.

Contests and promotions

Please read the terms of individual contests and promos.  These things will occur from time to time and have an expiration date.


I hope you love my books, but if they just aren’t your cup of tea, just let me know within 2 months of purchase. Return the book in good condition to me and I will cheerfully refund your money plus shipping.

disclaimer:  This is my personal and author blog.  As such, it contains my opinions.  I make no claim that everything on my blog is 100% accurate, current, suitable for all ages, or valid.  And so, I am not liable for errors , omissions, delays or any damages resultant from whatever you read here.  If such things offend you, stop reading.  If you enjoy or want to make a pertinent comment or friendly addition, let me know.  Comments by flamers and trolls (you know who you are) will be removed and posted in a particularly smoky bit of Hell where their authors may go to find them.


Coming soon–the pop up information about cookies on the site and how your data is used.

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