Magic, Mystery, a little Whisky, and a Cat

Novel Magic: Urban Fantasy-Love my Fate by Daryl Devore

Novel Magic is back!! Up first this summer is an urban fantasy that promises passion and quirkiness–two things we can’t resist here in Sorchia’s Universe. Enter to win a copy of Daryl’s Love My Fate PLUS a little something of mine, too.

Daryl Devore’s Hot Urban Fantasy Romance


What’s a woman to do when a voice follows her home and makes mad, passionate love to her?

Writers often get asked – what inspired this book? Total truth – nothing inspired this book. When I wrote the above tag line, I had no idea I was about to write a book. The line just popped into my head and the next thing I new I had burrowed into my writing cave. After a few weeks of crazed tapping on my keyboard – Love My Fate was born.

Daryl Devoré’s latest is a quirky paranormal urban fantasy – Love My Fate.

Corporate businesswoman, Capricious Gray, is dragged to a sex toy convention by her best friend. After a mysterious disembodied voice helps her with her purchases, it fo

Love My Fate by Daryl Devore

llows her home. Passion ensues, leaving Capri torn between lust for her fantasy lover and the desperate need for reality in her life.

Thall, son of one of the Fates, harbours the irrepressible need to be with the woman he’s desired from afar for years. In order to make her his, once and for all, he must help Capri get past her fears, including the fear of what he represents – a fantasy.

Can fantasy become a reality for these two lovers?

Note: This book was previously published by New Dawning Bookfair under the title Capri’s Fate. The edition has a new title, new cover and has restored previously deleted scenes.


A Delicious Taste of Love My Fate

Kat waited outside the restaurant when my cab pulled up to the curb. “Timing or what? I just got here.”

After the requisite cheek kiss, we stepped up to the Maitre D’. He smiled his I-must-be-friendly-because-they’re-guests smile and escorted us to our table. We ordered drinks and chatted. We talked about the weather, her new dress, my job—you know, just old—no, scratch old, put long-time—girlfriend stuff.

After a diet conscious meal, followed by a calorie-loaded dessert, we waited outside for a taxi.

“Do you trust me?” With a goofy grin on her face, Kat’s dark chocolate mellowed-from-too-much-wine, eyes gazed at me.

Having seen that innocent demeanour before; it meant nothing but trouble. I was a bit wary. Okay, a lot wary! The last time she’d gawked at me like that and asked the same brainless question, we ended up at a frat house beer slosh during Homecoming and I wasn’t in college anymore.

A cab pulled up and stopped. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into it. “Convention Centre.”

I slid next to her and shut the car door. “What’s at the convention centre?”

“That’s the trust me bit.” She raised her hands and flicked two fingers up and down at the words trust me.

You have to love air quotes.

I checked my cell for messages then glanced at her. “Is this going to get me arrested? Again?”

She shook her head.

“Is it going to get me hit on—again—by horny, beer-soaked, college drunks?”

Kat giggled.

“Is that a yes or a no?”

“Nope. Not going to tell you. You need to trust me.”

Air quotes.


Buy a Copy

EBook – Amazon US

Print – Amazon US

Ebook – Amazon Canada

Print – Amazon Canada

Plus other Amazon sites

Find out more about Daryl Devore and her books –

Blog – Romance – Sweet to Heat


Win Two Free Books

Enter to win an e-copy of Love my Fate along with an e-copy of Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones.

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